hi, friend!
I’m Julianna - known to most of my friends and family as Ju.
Horses and photography have been my two overarching loves in life from a young age - I swung a leg over a horse for the first time when I was six years old and picked up a camera at nine. While I love a fun family session or getting to be a part of your wedding day, the heart and soul of what I do is for fellow equestrians.
Here’s a few fun facts to get to know me better:
Photography is actually not my full-time job - during the work week, I’m a farm consultant/sales rep for Purina livestock feeds.
My favourite colour is pink.
I have a Bachelor’s degree in Bioveterinary Science from Dalhousie University’s Faculty of Agriculture and rode on the Dal AC equestrian team for three years. Believe it or not, this reiner played hunter princess!
I am a bit of a perfectionist and strive for quality over quantity. I live by being selective about what I do, and doing it well.
My first horse, Rosie, came along when I was ten - a little grey Arabian mare with a larger than life personality. She will forever be the reason why I do what I do today. We spent twelve beautiful years together, from elementary school, awkward teenage years, starting my business in high school, weekends home in university, and navigating post-grad life until her passing in 2023 at 26 years old.
My journey and relationship with her, and all the ups and downs that came with it, is what continually inspires me to provide other equestrians with forever memories of their own horses.